C’mon down this Sunday, Feb 2nd to the WDM for a FREE and amazing day for all!
I will displaying some of my Heritage Portraits and showing off our new Saskatoon Fun Facts zine.
Here are the details

C’mon down this Sunday, Feb 2nd to the WDM for a FREE and amazing day for all!
I will displaying some of my Heritage Portraits and showing off our new Saskatoon Fun Facts zine.
Here are the details
Saskatoon will be hosting the first ever Zine Fest at Frances Morrison Library on November 23rd. I am proud to be part of the panel on Zines as Tools. Check it out! It’s FREE, FUN, and you can even make a ‘zine!
Plus! I’ll be debuting a new ‘zine, Saskatoon Fun Facts with fellow collaborator Kevin Sorokowski. Stop by our table and say Hi.
Here’s a link to the panel.
Just scheduled for Sunday August 18th at 2pm!
Meet in front of the Double Decker Bus by the Bessborough.
Appropriate for all ages, we walk 21st Street from the Bessborough, down 3 blocks to the Mall and back. Takes about 45 – 60 minutes. Join us as we discover the flora and fauna “living” in the facades of some of Saskatoon’s most loved landmarks. We’ll point out fossils and share some interesting stories from Saskatoon’s past. All are welcome and will take home a free copy of the Tour Guide & Colouring Book.
Thanks to Nicola at Better Off Duds on 33rd, my Heritage Button Collection is no longer homeless. You can check out the full assortment any old time!
2019 is upon us! One of my resolutions is to do a better job of keeping this site updated with my activity. Stay tuned. In the meantime – some bad news and some good.
Sadly, Joyne closed its doors just a few days ago, so my Heritage Collection is currently homeless. I hope to rectify that soon. The team at Joyne were incredibly supportive and I am grateful for their time and effort and wish them all the best! It was a good experience.
On a positive note, a friend nudged me out of my inertia and got me drawing again. I’m very excited to share this piece – I think it’s one of my best so far.
You can find my stuff at Joyne on Broadway!
I’m especially happy to have a regular spot to share my Heritage Collection with all y’all.
Got more Toon Tags too!
There’s a new Facebook page group I really love: You Know You Grew up in SASKATOON Sk If you can remember… which is really rekindling my already raging love for this city. Kindred spirits are posting photos and sharing memories. It’s so great! A few folks have posted photos of old matchbooks, etc of cool old logos. The resolution of the photos are generally not great, so I’ve lovingly and painstakingly re-drawn each one as buttons! For now, I’m calling the collection “Toon Tags”.
I now need to get off my butt and revamp this site to include all the building portraits I’ve done over the years. You can find a gallery of some of them HERE
AND if you have boots made for walking and want to take the On Safari Fossil Tour of Downtown Saskatoon, the PDF of the Colouring Book pages are HERE.
Stay tuned, I promise to get on that ASAP!.